Call for action after dog walker picks up 100 dog poos in a day

Bags of the dog excrement picked up on a walk between Les Landes and Grosnez

ISLANDERS have reacted with anger, shock and disgust after a dog walker picked up over 100 dog poos in one day left by owners on a stretch of the north coast.

And many have called for action to be taken against irresponsible dog owners.

Lou Wagstaff, a dog sitter and walker, took to social media to say she had to use three rolls of poo bags to collect 114 pieces of excrement that she came across while on a walk between Les Landes and Grosnez over the festive period, including some left on a section of path she had cleared just an hour earlier.

Ms Wagstaff is a member of the Wild Poo Project, which was set up in June by members of the Jersey Dog Forum Facebook page along with local dog-walking company Spotted Wellies. Those taking part in the initiative are encouraged to help pick up dog poo to keep the Island’s beauty spots clean. They are asked to take a photo of how much dog waste they collect and post it on The Wild Poo Project Facebook group.

Almost 100 Islanders commented on Facebook on a JEP story this week about the mess left on the north coast, many angry at “irresponsible” owners not picking up after their pets.

One Islander said the sight was “truly disgusting”, adding: “It really isn’t difficult to pick up after your dog.”

Another commenter said wardens should be employed who they said would “pay for themselves in a very short time”.

One person complained: “The sand dunes are a write-off with kids, unfortunately.”

“The whole Island is covered in dog poo; it’s disgusting everywhere you go,” another Islander added.

Under Jersey legislation, any dog owners caught not picking up after their pet can be fined up to £1,000. The JEP has asked for details of how many, if any, pet owners have been penalised for this offence.

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