Islander fined for drink-driving… after moving car three metres

Callum Jack Leith, of Rue de la Mare des Prés, St John, was fined £400, as it was accepted by Relief Magistrate Sarah Fitz that there were special circumstances that merited departing from normal sentencing policy.

The police went to Spur Road in First Tower at about 3.30 am on 29 May after receiving reports that someone appeared to be trying to break into a property.

Centenier David Webber said that the defendant had driven to his friend’s home and the pair had gone to the Watersplash, leaving the car in a parking space in Spur Road.

Leith drank four pints of beer while he was out and when they returned to First Tower, his friend discovered he had lost his house keys and they were locked out.

In order to allow his friend to get into the flat through a rear entrance, the defendant moved his car about three metres.

When the police arrived Leith admitted moving the car and was breathalysed.

The court was told that Leith was only marginally over the limit and a blood test at police headquarters gave a reading of 102 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood, when the legal limit is 80 mg.

Advocate Guillaume Stahl, defending, said: ‘He reversed the car a few metres and had no intention of driving any further.’

Mrs Fitz said that she accepted that there were ‘special reasons’ in this case and that it was a ‘truly exceptional situation’.

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