Rise in air passengers

New figures from Ports of Jersey show that overall commercial passenger numbers remain higher than 2016, with the numbers travelling by sea and air both recording year-to-date increases.

During June there were 156,718 air passengers compared to 152,241 during the same month last year, an increase of 2.9 per cent.

Since the start of the year air arrivals have increased by 1.7 per cent when compared to 2016 with the Island recording 734,159 passengers compared to 721,943 last year and 691,216 in 2015.

Inter-island air passenger numbers have reduced by 15 per cent while there were increases in the London market (3%), Scotland (24%), the north-west (10%) and north-east (11%).

According to the figures, easyJet has the largest market share at 37 per cent, followed by British Airways (24%) and Flybe (20%).

Sea passenger numbers were down by four per cent in June but a total of 292,406 passengers have travelled through the ports so far this year – up six per cent on 2016.

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