Clubbers warned over drug danger

States police detectives have seized at least two different types of the class A stimulant over the past fortnight since launching a targeted operation, codenamed Operation Hook, following the death of an 18-year-old.

The warning comes after former Haute Vallée pupil Kyle Pringle died suddenly on Saturday 17 June. It is believed he took ecstasy – the street name for the drug MDMA – marked with an Ikea logo. Experts are still awaiting toxicology tests following Mr Pringle’s post-mortem examination.

Following his death, a 36-year-old man was charged with possessing ecstasy with intent to supply and has been remanded in custody.

Anyone with concerns about the drugs should contact the Alcohol and Drug Service on 445000. Anyone with information about drug activity should contact the States police on 612612 or call Crimestoppers on 0800555111.

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