Stranger helps brain tumour survivor take dream holiday

Kianne Moy (15) underwent an operation in 2015 to remove the tumour but later suffered a stroke and has now been diagnosed with a number of health conditions that affect her everyday life.

After hearing about Kianne’s hope to one day watch whales in the wild, the Make a Wish charity set up a fundraising page to help the Les Quennevais pupil’s dream to come true.

Kianne will be going on the trip this summer with her parents and sister Halle (14).

So far more than £1,400 has been raised by donations to the Make a Wish charity, and a stranger in the UK who saw the teenager’s fundraising page has set up her own Just Giving page for the Islander. That page has so far raised £400.

Kianne said: ‘It was really kind of the lady in England to start raising money for us. It makes me realise that there are people out there who want to do good rather than damage.

‘It’s really heart-warming that so many people have donated towards the wish.

‘We are going to be going out on a catamaran to see the whales and I’m really looking forward to it.’

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