Jersey backs effort to save starving millions

Last month the United Nations officially declared a famine in war-torn south Sudan – the first time such a crisis has happened anywhere in the world for six years. More than one million people in the country are now facing starvation, and Somalia is also on the brink of famine.

Kenya has also declared a national emergency after suffering a major drought, and an estimated 5.6 million people in Ethiopia are in need of food assistance. It is believed that up to 435,000 children in that country are suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

Uganda is currently housing 750,000 south Sudanese refugees – rising by 4,000 every day.

The Jersey Overseas Aid grants will be split between the British Red Cross and Plan International, and will help to pay for food rations, hygiene kits, water purification tablets, shelters and essential medical supplies in south Sudan and the other affected countries.

Islanders can make a donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee at

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