Increase in referrals to Headway

Headway, which will soon be celebrating its 20th anniversary, has adjusted its opening hours of its treatment centre and introduced new services in response to the rise.

They include a new six-week course which aims to enable Islanders to regain life skills they may have lost after sustaining a brain injury such as cooking, social skills and performing basic domestic chores.

The charity, which has annual running costs of around £350,000, said that it had received ‘incredible’ support during 2016.

In a statement, the charity praised the work of a number of people, including Ana Goncalves, who earlier this year ran 30 marathons in 30 days, raising over £15,000.

She was later nominated for Fundraiser of the Year at the ITV Pride of Britain awards, brushing shoulders with Sir Tom Jones and raising even more awareness for the organisation.

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