Call for Jersey to be a ‘beacon’ of tolerance

At the end of a week in which terrorists struck in Belgium and with other European cities on high alert as a result, the Bailiff, William Bailhache, has used his Christmas message to call for Jersey to remain a ‘beacon of hope’ and an example to the world of the tolerance of a small community.

The Dean, the Very Rev Bob Key, has echoed the message and urged Islanders to focus on all that binds rather than divides them.

And, in a direct message to Jersey’s migrant communities, Chief Minister Ian Gorst has said that the Island’s cosmopolitan community is part of what has made it great.

‘I would like to make it clear to Jersey’s long-standing French community, the Portuguese-Madeiran community, our Polish and Romanian residents, and other communities from around the world, that you are as valued and recognised today as you always were,’ says Senator Gorst.

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