Drugs-money collector stumbled into police raid

Annie Cleaver had successfully managed to traffick more than £10,000, which had been made through heroin deals, on flights from Jersey to Liverpool on two separate occasions.

But her luck ran out on her third visit to the Island when she went to a St Clement home to pick up about £2,200 in cash and, unaware she was speaking to a plain-clothed policeman, asked to speak to a suspected drug dealer.

The 28-year-old mother-of-three sobbed in the dock on Friday as the Bailiff, William Bailhache, told her that those who transport cash for dealers were an ‘important cog in the drug-trafficking machinery’ and that her actions had risked the lives of Islanders.

Advocate Niall MacDonald, defending, said the offences were ‘entirely out of character’ for his client.

Cleaver, who is from Liverpool, was sentenced to 180 hours’ of community service and given a one-year probation order.

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