Otter on the run for four weeks after escaping from Durrell

Geoff, a south-east Asian short-clawed otter, disappeared from the park last month and is believed to have made a three-mile trip to St Catherine’s Woods, where he is thought to be currently residing.

Various sightings of the three-year-old furry adventurer have been reported to keepers at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and experts believe he is still alive and living off fish and rodents. He has been on the run for nearly four weeks.

Mark Brayshaw, head of animal collection for Durrell, said staff had alerted the States vet, Linda Lowseck, as well as Jersey Water and the Jersey Freshwater Angling Association, who fish in the reservoir at the entrance to the woods, to ask them to keep a look-out for Geoff.

He added that there were no wild otters in Jersey, so there was no chance the escapee could breed.

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