Surfers hit the heights at Plémont

A powerful swell brought the Island its very own ‘Big Wednesday’ yesterday at Plémont, where experienced surfers Sam George, Brad Ferguson and Nathan Elms took to the water.

The trio were supported by fellow surfers Will Glenn and Matt Chapman, who also paddled out and served as a sea safety team.

The session was captured by JEP photographer and surfer David Ferguson, who said that the break had only been surfed by a few people in the past.

He explained that Storm Frank had added to an already large swell and that southerly winds and a big tide combined to create huge waves at the coastal spot.

Plémont’s reef has been surfed in the past and documented by the Oxenden family, and has more recently been ridden by Chester Mackley and Mark Durbano. However, Mr Ferguson, president of the Jersey Surfboard Club, warned that only hugely experienced surfers should consider surfing in Plémont’s rocky waters.

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