La Collette flats: We may appeal, say residents

Members of the Planning Committee unanimously supported the proposals, which had been brought by the organisation that administers the stock of States social housing, Andium Homes.

Despite a string of objections about the density of the project, its size and the proposed loss of protected grassland, the committee approved Andium’s plans, which involve demolishing 59 apartments and replacing them with 147 new units.

The plans drew criticism from three politicians – St Helier Constable Simon Crowcroft, and Deputies Scott Wickenden and Russell Labey, who have been supporting residents in their opposition to the scheme.

Approval of the scheme came after a States vote in September in which Members voted in favour of a proposal brought by Deputy Labey, who called for the protection of green space at the site.

That vote, however, did not bind the Planning Committee to reject Andium’s scheme, which includes the loss of the protected open space, but also includes the creation of extra outdoor areas within the development.

Deputy Wickenden confirmed that residents were now considering appealing against the approval.

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