Could Jersey’s football team compete at international level?

Gaining entry to Uefa could take a few years, but Gibralter – an Island of similar size – managed it in 2013, and has since played qualifying matches against Poland, Scotland and Germany.

But would it be a good or bad idea for Jersey to become an international football team? We spoke to some Islanders to find out what they thought:

Justin Lloyd-Jones

Justin Lloyd-Jones (45), works in IT, St Peter

‘I’m not particularly into football myself but I can’t see it causing any harm and I think it’s a good idea.

‘It would probably be a good way for Jersey to be recognised in other places, other parts of the world.

‘I’m not 100% sure how well they’d do but if you don’t try you’re never going to know.

‘Better to have tried and failed than not try at all.’

Graham Hughes

Graham Hughes (56), Director, Trinity

‘I think it’s very aspirational.

‘I think the challenges are going to be getting into Uefa because they have, as I understand it, closed the door to new countries entering.

‘But I think going forward the challenge is clearly around being able to compete at the level of the countries that they will be playing against.

‘Gibraltar have recently gone into the mix and I think they played Germany a couple of times – they haven’t won.’

Max Bento

Max Bento (16), Student, St Clement

‘They’d have to put a lot of work in but I think the potential is there. I think Jersey could stand up well against San Marino.’

Danny and Will Romeril

Danny and Will Romeril (both 19), both students, St John

Will: ‘I think it’s going to help the tourism industry – I fully support that as it’s another source of income.

‘I think it would be interesting to see how we fare.’

Danny: ‘I don’t really follow football but I think it would be a good thing for the Island – it would help with getting kids into sports.’

Tashia Bourne

Tashia Bourne (21), works in Trust, St Lawrence

‘I don’t personally like football but it would give Jersey a chance for recognition. I think we have a chance.’

Charlotte Sweeney

Charlotte Sweeney (19), Trust, St Helier

‘I’m not really interested in football so I don’t really have an opinion on it to be honest but I think it would promote Jersey.

‘Jersey was good in the Island Games for football and it’ll give youths more to do.’

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