Andium acting ‘shamefully’ over green space States vote

Deputy Russell Labey is preparing a new proposition to ask Members to stop Andium Homes going ahead with their proposed redevelopment of the La Collette low rise flats in their current form.

The scheme, to replace the ageing five-block complex with five new units comprising 147 apartments, was rejected earlier this year by the committee who had concerns about the proposed location of one of the blocks.

The low rise flats surrounding the tower block of La Collette flats are due to go

The plans later became the subject of a petition in which residents called for the site’s main open space to be preserved.

That petition was presented to the States by Deputy Labey, whose proposition to ensure the space was protected was passed by 22 votes to 19.

Andium’s new plans, which have been revised to change the location of the block which had caused concern, show no different approach to the green space at the site.

The plans, which have received support from the Planning Department, are due to be reviewed by the committee at a public planning meeting on Thursday 12 November at the St Paul’s Centre from 9.30 am.

Deputy Labey, who has no say on the plans as he represents the district that includes La Collette flats, said: ‘We have learnt that Andium Homes has elected to re-submit their original planning application, which includes the destruction of the protected open space within the scheme, with no regard for the decision of the States to uphold that protection and preserve the open space.

‘By this action Andium Homes is disregarding and disrespecting the expressed wishes of the democratically elected representatives of the Island.

‘If the company is doing this with the backing of the Council of Ministers it is shameful.

‘The Planning Applications Committee is now placed in the most unfair position of having to adjudicate against a decision of the States not to proceed with this application.’

Deputy Labey said he was preparing to lodge a new proposition to oppose the plans.

St Helier Constable Simon Crowcroft added: ‘The parish of St Helier is under constant pressure to give up valuable amenity space in spite of the protection given to it in successive Island Plans.

When asked about the controversial scheme Andium said that the Planning Applications Committee had not previously had any comments to make on the site’s open space and that changes had been made based on the group’s concerns about the position of block D.

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