Fine for assault on ‘cheating’ partner

Avril Gallichan, originally from Scotland, was arrested after she assaulted her boyfriend of five years and caused damage to his property following an argument in which she accused him of having an affair.

The 40-year-old pleaded guilty to common assault and malicious damage and was yesterday fined by the Royal Court. She must pay the sum within seven months or face a prison term.

Outlining the case, Crown Advocate Robert MacRae said that Gallichan, who lived with her partner in a flat in Rouge Bouillon, found the text messages on his mobile phone on 18 February and assumed that he had been having an affair. The following evening Gallichan was ‘upset and drunk’ after drinking about half a litre of whisky and the couple had an argument. Just over an hour later, the defendant told her former partner that she had packed his stuff and that he had to leave.

Commissioner Sir Michael Birt told the defendant: 'You are very remorseful, and the victim does not support this prosecution'

‘She grabbed hold of both his arms and he pushed away,’ Crown Advocate MacRae said.

Gallichan’s former partner then locked himself in the bathroom and the defendant used a knife from the kitchen to damage his jacket.

When police arrived at the flat the defendant was ‘calm and compliant’, they told the court, but she was ‘unsteady on her feet, her words were slurred and she was quite repetitive when talking’.

Following her arrest, the defendant said: ‘Whatever, he deserved it. He’s been cheating on me.’ However, during an interview, Gallichan said that she had a very ‘unclear recollection of the incident’.

Defending, Advocate Adam Harrison said that when his client discovered the text messages, she was ‘totally devastated’ and had ‘sought refuge in alcohol’. He added that Gallichan was of previous good character and she was ’embarrassed, shocked and remorseful’ for her behaviour.

Commissioner Sir Michael Birt, presiding, said: ‘You are very remorseful, and the victim does not support this prosecution and said that the incident was a one-off in a loving and happy relationship.’

Jurats Paul Nicolle and Michael Liston were also sitting on the case.

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