New influx of tourism guides on Island history

The new recruits – the first group for 13 years – graduated earlier this summer following a six-month training course.

Hugh Gill, a former chairman of the Jersey Tourist Guides Association, said he was extremely proud of the latest group of Islanders to join the established Blue Badge organisation.

The new guides are Kary Day, Nigel Diggle, Jennifer Ellenger, Clive Jones, Ned Malet de Carteret, Nicky Mansell, Roger Noel, Jon Osment, Tracey Radford, Jean Treleven and Terry Underwood.

Mr Gill said: ‘Guides need to be able to put their knowledge over in a clear speaking voice, they need to be able to handle a group and deal with people one-to-one or 30 at a time.

‘It’s also about being able to answer questions, dealing with problems, being aware of the surroundings and having the self-confidence not only to be able to talk in front of a group, but being confident that you have the knowledge, too.’

The course involved evening classes over 20 weeks and practice at giving tours.

On top of written exams, the guides had to prepare and deliver their own tour and show that they could lead tours in a church, museum, art gallery and in a moving vehicle.

Mr Gill, who has been a Blue Badge guide for 18 years, added: ‘There is a great level of expectation from visitors, particularly if the Island is being promoted as a place of historical interest and depth.

‘We want them to go home and recommend Jersey to their family and friends.’

  • The Jersey Tourist Guides Association (JTGA) is made up of Blue Badge Guides, Bronze Badge Award holders and Associate Members. This list also includes non-members who have expert knowledge and practical guiding experience.
  • Blue Badge Guides are professional guides who have undertaken written examinations on all aspects of Jersey knowledge and are trained in all guiding procedures.
  • Bronze Badge Award holders have undertaken a written general Jersey knowledge test but are not trained in guiding techniques.
  • Associate Members are experts in their own field and have practical experience of guiding.
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