Emergency services receive calls from Belarus scammers

During a six-day period in May the phones of States emergency services – understood to be the ambulance and police – were contacted by a single overseas telephone line.

Other telephone numbers in Jersey, which have not been disclosed, also received calls.

The government departments say they believe the calls were part of a ‘campaign’ to obtain ‘personal and confidential’ information from the recipient of the call or ‘trick them’ into calling a premium rate number.

It has been stressed that there is no evidence to suggest the emergency services have been specifically targeted and at ‘no stage’ were the public in any danger.

A spokesman, who released a statement on behalf of the States’ emergency services, said that throughout the ‘cyber-incidents’ the emergency services’ ability to field 999 calls was unaffected.

‘We can confirm that three so-called ”cyber-incidents’ ‘ took place during a six-day period in the middle of May,’ the statement said.

‘On each occasion an overseas telephone number – believed to be based in Belarus – attempted to connect with various Jersey telephone numbers in a short period of time.

‘There is no evidence to suggest that any individual or organisation was specifically targeted. It is believed that the calls were part of a campaign aimed at obtaining personal confidential data from the recipient of the call, or to trick the recipient into calling a premium rate number.’

The States police have warned all Islanders to be careful about whom they share personal or financial information with.

They urged anyone affected to call them on 612612.

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