Ex-policeman faces charges of making 1,500 indecent images of children

Peter Whitehouse is accused of making 1,059 indecent films and 498 still images of under-16s over the past ten years.

The files, which the 56-year-old is alleged to have stored on several laptops, computers, CDs, DVDs and memory cards, include nearly 600 films and images that fall into categories four and five – the two most severe classifications.

Appearing in court yesterday, Mr Whitehouse, who served with the States police for 31 years and became one of the force’s best-known community officers, was read seven charges relating to the offences, which are alleged to have taken place between 1 January 2005 and 30 April this year.

The former PC, who worked in a number of departments and who led the Prison! Me! No Way! initiative for many years, has appeared before the court four times since the end of April in connection with one count of inciting the making of indecent images of children.

During yesterday’s hearing Assistant Magistrate Peter Harris dismissed that charge in view of the new charges.

Mr Whitehouse was remanded in custody and is due back in court on 6 August when it is expected his case will be formally committed to the Royal Court.

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