Guilty plea in murder case

Guilty plea in murder case

Goss yesterday chang-ed his plea to guilty to a charge of killing Michelle de Gruchy Gibson in her flat in Cannon Street on 22 May 2004.

Mrs Gibson’s murder was the second in Jersey in a ten-week period.

It followed the murder, by Belfast teenager Paul Greenan, of nursery nurse Tracy Burns on 14 March in Paris Lane.

Goss (38) denied murdering Mrs Gibson when he appeared in court last December but changed his plea to guilty when he appeared in the Royal Court yesterday.

The body of 40-year-old Mrs Gibson was found at her home in Cannon Street on Saturday 22 May last year.

She had been out on the Friday night and was last seen alive at 1 am on Saturday morning.

Following Mrs Gibson’s death, Goss left the Island and went to France.

The police officer who led the murder inquiry, detective chief inspector André Bonjour, said yesterday that Goss returned to Jersey the Monday after the murder.

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