The students were taking part in the national Takeover Day when over 150 UK museums, galleries, arts organisations, archives and heritage sites ran an event on Friday 20 November.
The pop-up exhibition was arranged locally by Lucy Layton, project curator at Jersey Heritage and Hautlieu photography tutor Martin Toft with additional help from Societe Jersiaise photographic archivist Gareth Syvret.
Curators: Kate Terry-Marchant, Layla Arthur, Max Le Feuvre, Sophie Ellis-Fox.
Design: Heather Barrett, Katie Daniel, Georgia Houghton, Ben Knight.
Marketing/media: Shannon’ O’Donnell, Dylan Falle.
The exhibition features work by Year 12 and Year 13 A level photography students who used the Jersey Evening Post 125th Anniversary exhibition, currently on show at the museum, as a starting point.
The students were given the brief to illustrate 125 hours as seen through the lens of a teenager, to be produced during half term.
Out of the hundreds images that were taken, a selection of up to five images were chosen from each student to appear in the exhibition
A team of ten students was given the task of putting together the pop up exhibition in one day, during which they made the selection of 60 images, had the images printed over lunchtime, made a new poster and information leaflet for the exhibition and designed the layout of the exhibition space.
Mr Toft was pleased with the event and said: ‘As always when you take students out of a school context and into the real world, they are capable of doing amazing things.
‘The students were brilliant in making the event a success in one day.
‘When you give them an opportunity they rise to it.’
The exhibition will run at the museum until Sunday 29 November.