Gallery: Zombie Walk 2015

Dozens donned creepy costumes and slapped on morbid make-up to raise money for Autism Jersey and Jersey Mencap, an organisation that supports those with learning disabilities.

The ghoulish group began from West’s Centre and went up Bath Street before heading down King Street and looping back to their starting point.

Face painters were on hand at Chordz Coffee Shop from 4 pm to ensure zombies were looking their worst before they set off to terrify the town at 6 pm.

Beth Gallichan, an Autism Jersey fundraiser, said the event was organised by Islander Chris Lucas with support from the Zombie Walk Organising Committee.

She added: ‘It went amazingly well and we had over 100 people turn up. I think we raised just over £1,000 and everyone made a really great effort with their costumes.

‘New for this year we had a raffle and lots of local businesses donated items, which helped us to raise funds. The public were very generous too, as we were collecting on the way round.

‘The money will be divided between Jersey Autism and Jersey Mencap to help those with learning difficulties who are disadvantaged to support them in being included in the community.’

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