The difference between God and gods

The difference between God and gods

From Bridget Murphy.

YOUR correspondent John Heys (JEP, 28 January) seems to confuse gods and God, and kindly refers me to biblical texts which, of course as a Christian, I know only too well.

Therefore, may I also quote from the Bible – Old Testament, Exodus 1, ch 20: ‘Thou shall have none other Gods but me’ (Jehovah); New Testament, John ch6 v38, ch10 v30, ch14 v9, ch16 v28, ch16: ‘Jesus said, “I came down from Heaven and I and my Father are one … He that hath seen Me … hath seen the Father … I go to the Father … I will come again and receive you unto Myself”.’

As for my reference to mainstream religions believing in the one God, this was to the different branches of christianity – eg, Anglican, Baptist and others. Nowhere in my letter did I refer to Allah, Budha, Krishna or other beliefs, although I do respect others. Mr Heys also has the right to his own beliefs. I am not trying to

convert him to mine.

La Corbière,

5 St Clement’s Road,

St Helier.

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