You’ll never view caterpillars in the same way after what they did to this tree

You’ll never view caterpillars in the same way after what they did to this tree

When you think of caterpillars, you might well picture one very hungry one – but what you probably don’t picture is a mass of webs.

That’s what Pc Rich Sutcliffe was faced with however when he stumbled across this rather caterpillar-infested tree in North Yorkshire, over which the creatures had formed a vast web.

“I’ve seen some mysterious sights at work but this took me by surprise today. The entire tree ‘moving’ with caterpillars” Sutcliffe wrote on Twitter.

The caterpillars apparently form a protective web over the tree on which they are feeding to protect themselves, sometimes in their thousands.

So there you go – it’s not just spiders and millennials surfing the web these days.

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