‘A great example of togetherness’

Eco Jersey Picture: DAVID FERGUSON

AS one of the founding partners of the JEP’s ecoJersey, Jersey Electricity is delighted to partner our whole community in this year’s Parish Clean-Up and thanks all members of the public who joined us at Gréve d’Azette.

Events like these bring people together in a common and worthy cause. We know how precious, yet threatened, our wonderful coastline and countryside are. Only by working together can we help protect them and the habitats they provide to conserve and promote biodiversity which is under immense pressure from climate change.

Our vision is to inspire a zero-carbon future. Everyone at JE is doing all they can to support the government and the people of Jersey in their ambitions to become carbon-neutral by 2030 and help to reverse rising global temperatures.

Unlike many countries striving to cut greenhouse-gas emissions, Jersey is fortunate to already benefit from a clean, decarbonised electricity supply, a third of which already comes from renewable hydro-power. We are also introducing local solar power on to the grid as quickly as possible so everyone can benefit from local renewables.

We are switching out oil and gas boilers and installing electric-vehicle charging infrastructure to help reduce greenhouse-gas emissions at their biggest sources – heating and transport. We are also partnering with other organisations to plant trees for carbon capture and biodiversity, such as at Mourier Valley, alongside the National Trust, Jersey Water and Jersey Trees for Life.

As well as helping to clean up our Island, we are supporting all 12 parishes to create their own tree-planting schemes with our Parish Earth Partnership because we believe the more we work together, the greater the benefit to our environment. The JEP ecoJersey Parish Clean-Up is a great example of that togetherness.

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