Jury considers verdict in rape and grave and criminal assault trial

The Royal Court building (37507569)

JURORS in the trial of a former restaurateur accused of rape and grave and criminal assault are due to start deliberating their verdicts today.

Gavin Neil Roberts (44) denies two counts of common assault against one woman, and grave and criminal assault, rape and two counts of sexual penetration without consent against the other.

He has already pleaded guilty to two charges of grave and criminal assault against the second woman.

The former owner of St Aubin restaurant Shinzo went on trial in the Royal Court at the beginning of last week.

Both women have given evidence describing how they were allegedly attacked by the defendant, while Mr Roberts has taken to the stand this week denying the claims.

Following several hours of closing speeches and summing up yesterday, the Bailiff, Sir Timothy Le Cocq, who was presiding, sent the jury home for the night.

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