THE ‘text book’ actions of the owners of a house in St Mary during a fire helped make sure no one was injured, according to Jersey Fire and Rescue Service.
Fifteen fire fighters, two fire engines and one water carrier were called to the property at around 9pm on Sunday.
By the time emergency service arrived, the owners had safely evacuated their home but by then the fire had spread from the roof and caused ‘significant damage’ to the first floor as well.
The ‘tricky’ fire was extinguished by fire fighters wearing breathing apparatus, who also used cutting gear and ladders.
‘The owners actions were a text book example of what we advise everyone if they encounter a fire in their property, Get Out, Get the Fire Service Out, and Stay Out, and as a result no one was injured,’ the JFRS said.
The property had smoke detectors, but the location of the fire meant that they did not pick up the fire before the owners, ‘who had been alerted by a crackling noise in the upstairs area of the property’, according to JFRS.
JFRS said the cause of the fire was under investigation.