Commercial consideration is taking precedence over the environment

Commercial consideration is taking precedence over the environment

From David Bisson.

AS someone who started surfing at the Splash during the 1960s, when longboard surfing was in its infancy, and as someone who has continued to enjoy the bay to this day, I find myself opposed to the redevelopment of the Watersplash as proposed by Mr Seymour.

It strikes me that commercial consideration has taken precedence over the environmental impact. There is no way that any development in this special place should be allowed to extend beyond the current footprint, nor be increased in height.

Young surfers and families currently enjoy the informality and the laid-back ambience of the existing facility, which I feel will be lost under the new proposals.

And while I accept that the existing building requires some redevelopment, what is proposed is a step too far.

41 Ville de la Croix,

St Ouen.

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