Parts of Airport ‘may be closed’

Parts of Airport ‘may be closed’

The committee believes that Finance and Economics has ignored an earlier States decision to fund certain infrastructure projects, including the replacement of the runway, fire training area and concrete aprons, out of general reserves.

Harbours has today lodged an amendment to the Resource Plan asking that these projects, which total £32m, are paid for centrally.

It says that the Airport’s capacity will be cut by 50 per cent if they are not started soon.The States has, in fact, already agreed to pay for these capital projects.

Members voted last November to view the Airport as a ‘strategic asset for the Island’ and fund certain infrastructure repairs, including the replacement of the runway and aprons.

But Finance disagreed at the time and the committee has now refused to allocate funding to the Airport in the Resource Plan for 2004 to 2008, which is due to be debated this month.

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