Outdated horse laws to be scrapped

Environment Minister Steve Luce has signed a ministerial decision to revoke six orders under the Diseases of Animals (Jersey) Law 1956 and one relating to the importation of horses.

Currently in law equine imports are prohibited without a health certificate. However, in practice, for many years horses have been imported from the UK and other Channel Islands without veterinary health certification as the rules, which are seen as outdated, have not been enforced. Horses imported from Europe, meanwhile, are subject to EU legislation.

The report accompanying the ministerial decision says that the order specifying that certificates are necessary is therefore no longer needed.

An order from 2007 relating to temporary licensing exemptions following the introduction of a new animal welfare law is also being revoked as it is no longer applicable.

Meanwhile, horse owners will be required to officially notify authorities in future if an animal falls ill with equine encephalomyelitis – inflammation of the brain.

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